Alexandre, editor

Alexandre Brito's Facebook profile

Born in the suburbs of Lisbon, Portugal. He lived in this country for 20 years. Studying Computer Science from the University of Lisbon. During his degree he did the Erasmus program during one lective year in one of the Baltic Countries, Lithuania, in one city called Kaunas. He moved then to The Netherlands, one year ago, where he started his Masters degree in Cognitive Science in the famous Vrije Universiteit.

In love with traveling, from all the places he visited in the world, Amsterdam was the one that kept the most attention from them all. The decision was easy. The parks, canals, architecture, bicycles and the good weather (when occasionally happens), was the main reason for this big decision of changing from a southern European country to a slightly one more cold.

Other of his hobbies are languages. Portuguese, English, Spanish and French are the ones he is able to communicate with. Always happy to keep in contact with interesting people, don't hesitate to contact me, whatever is the subject about Amsterdam, specially for Portuguese people, due to the native language.