Travel Paris to Amsterdam

The French and Dutch capitals are connected by two major airlines and on ground by highways and rail via Brussels, Belgium. The quickest and most convenient way to travel from Paris to Amsterdam is by train.

Paris to Amsterdam distance

Road distance between Paris and Amsterdam is about 510 km (316 miles) which is roughly a 5 hour drive. The flight distance from Paris to Amsterdam is 430km (267 miles).

Thalys train tickets Paris to Amsterdam

Train from Paris to Amsterdam takes just over 3 hours. There are about 12 trains a day that run every hour or two from 6:25 to 19:25 from Paris Nord station to Amsterdam Central Station. Train fares vary by the comfort class and how soon you buy your tickets in advance. Generally it is between 50 and 200 euros.

Train from Paris to Amsterdam

Thalys is the main high-speed train line from Paris to Amsterdam. This is the most direct service to Amsterdam. It makes one stop in Brussels, Belgium before heading towards the Netherlands. Travel time is approximately 3 hours. Reservations need to be made in advance.

Rail Passes

Special discounted passes offered by Eurorail to travel from Paris to Amsterdam are available for the France/Benelux region and are discounted for young travellers under the age of 26.
Advanced reservations are required on Thalys. These can be reserved at the train station using the Eurorail pass ( You have to pay an additional fixed rate to reserve a seat but it can be done at the last minute. There is also another pass issued by InterRail.

Flights from Paris to Amsterdam

There are about 12 direct flights a day from Paris to Amsterdam by AirFrance from Paris Charles de Gaulle airport (CDG). Cheap flights are often available from Dutch airline KLM. Flights take about 1 hour 15 minutes. Indirect flights are also available from other airlines.

Bus from Paris to Amsterdam

Eurolines Paris to Amsterdam departs from Paris Gallieni Porte Bagnolet station and takes you to Amstel Station which is conveniently located on the metro line. A one-way ticket starts from 60 euros. The journey takes about 7.5 to 8 hours.There are now three companies that serve the route Paris to Amsterdam by bus.

Paris to Amsterdam by car

Driving from Paris to Amsterdam takes about 5 to 6 hours. Please note it is extremely expensive to pay for car parking in Amsterdam city center, and also in Paris city center. From Paris by car on the major toll roads "péage" you have to pay a road toll of about 20 euros one way.

Paris to Amsterdam by bike

The journey by bicycle from Paris to Amsterdam is about 600km and takes 10 to 14 days riding an average of 45km per day. This trip will take you through small towns in northern France, through Belgium and to the flat plains of the Netherlands. Some cyclists prefer to stay at official camp sites but there are also local hotels along the way.