Paris to Amsterdam by bike

The distance from Paris to Amsterdam by bike is about 600 to 750km depending on the route you choose to take between the cities. One of the possible routes will include Brussels and Antwerp, two Belgian cities, on your way to Amsterdam. The entire trip takes about 10-14 days, averaging 45km per day. There are lots of places to stay and the route is well paved.

Cycling holiday

A cycling holiday from Paris to Amsterdam means sampling scenery with old traditional houses, lakes and canals. Brussels and Antwerp are the two largest cities in Belgium that you might pass through during the holiday. Stop and try the beer! There are camp sites along the way such as Grimbergen or Maubauge or you can stay at small hotels. Accommodation tends to be cheaper in the small towns than in the cities. The best time to go is in spring, May-June.

Bike map

Map your trip in advance on a bike Europe website. The maps contain detailed information about cycling in Europe including camp sites or hotels, altitude and weather information. Paris to Amsterdam is fairly flat, you will start off in the higher altitude of northern France and go down to the very flat plains of northern Belgium and the Netherlands. Via Michelin provides very detailed bike guide with exact roads to take but it only does up to 200km stretches so type in "Paris to Arras", then "Arras to Antwerp", "Antwerp to Amsterdam".,

Roads between Paris and Amsterdam

The D roads of France are departmental roads and with less traffic. They will look like this "D28", "D10". In Belgium and the Netherlands these change to N roads.

Feedback needed

Since we have never done the route from Paris to Amsterdam by bicycle ourselves, we would appreciate any feedback from the fellow travelers. Many thanks!